On behalf of ANC 4B, I invite you to the June 15, 2023, Community Safety and Support Committee monthly meeting. We will commence at 7 pm via Zoom.
The agenda with the Zoom log-in information is embedded below.
Virtual Meeting Details: For video participation via Zoom on a computer or mobile device, click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88212023309?pwd=MVduWTVoSnpmR0xNeVFqenlR dlVmdz09 Meeting ID: 882 1202 3309. Passcode: 790397. For voice-only participation on the telephone dial (301) 715-8592. Meeting ID: 882 1202 3309. Passcode: 790397.
1. Administrative Items:
a. Meeting notice:
i. The Community Safety and Support Committee holds monthly
meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The
meeting will be noticed via email, and posts on Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, and the ANC 4B06 website.
b. When you are not speaking, please mute yourself.
c. Please use the “Raise Hand” button via Zoom or *9 via telephone to
speak during community concerns.
2. Community Concerns: This is the time for questions or statements from members of the public about areas of concern. Please limit your statement or question to one minute.
3. B25-291 – Safer Stronger Amendment Act of 2023
4. Calendar:
a. ANC 4B Monthly Meeting
i. June 26, 2023, @ 7 pm
5. Adjournment
Next Community Safety and Support Committee: Thursday, August 17, 2023, 7:00 p.m.