Good evening all,
I am totally unclear as to what happened last night but WebEx was not kind. It required a password to log-in which I did not have. I am working with IT to correct this issue so it doesn't happen again.
In the interim....
I had so much I wanted to discuss with you. So here is a rundown of all the things you need to know for the month of September.
1 - Census Update
-Have you completed your census yet? If not, there is STILL TIME. Go to: to complete online. 60.4% of DC residents have already completed the census. We need to get to 100%!!!!
2 - Ballot Boxes/2020 General Election
-The General Election is November 3, 2020. To assist with this election in the unprecedented times of COVID-19, the Board of Elections and Ethics has included dedicated Mail Ballot Drop Box locations within Ward 4 in addition to its early voting and day of voting sites. The mail boxes are located at:
Takoma Metro - 327 Cedar Street NW
Petworth Library - 4200 Kansas Avenue NW
Shepherd Park (Juanita E. Thornton) Library - 7420 Georgia Avenue NW
Fourth District MPD Station - 6001 Georgia Avenue NW
Lamond Recreation Center - 20 Tuckerman Street NE
If you need assistance in dropping off your SIGNED and SEALED balllot, please contact me at 202.271.3710 or
3 - Crime Statistics
-Total crime is down 7%
-Violent crime is down 12%
-Property crime is down 6%
-Motor vehicle theft remains the larges concern within the SMD. There has been an increase of 21% (74 cars taken). This is presumed to be attributed to people leaving their cars running.

4 - New Senior Resource
-The Senior Stay Cool Air Conditioning Pilot Program will repair or replace your window air conditioning unit(s) and inoperable heating, ventilating and HVAC units for income eligible seniors. You may qualify if you are a DC resident, are at or below 60% of the state medium income, and aged 60 or older.
-Call 202.236.2657 or visit for more information.
5 - Dog Park
-The dog park at Takoma Recreation Center is forthcoming. I hope the city will finalize the contract with the develop before the end of the month.
6. Coolidge High School Track
-I have reached out to our Ward 4 MOCR and their response is as follows:
"Prior to the pandemic, Principal Bright agreed to reopen the track to the community and would have the maintenance team unlock and secure it every day. However, due to the pandemic, the District Government is experiencing modified operations so having the track opened and closed regularly presents a challenge. I will reach out to Principal Bright to see if someone is on-site daily at Coolidge to then determine the feasibility of reopening the track to the community. In the interim, I would like to suggest community members try out the running and jogging trails in Rock Creek Park or along the Metropolitan Branch Trail".
-I will continue to follow-up so they community can once again have access to this amenity.
7. - Proposed Capital Bikeshare Station
- DDOT is considering placing a Bikeshare station at the corner of Kansas Avenue and Longfellow Street NW. The initial letter from DDOT is below. If you have thoughts on this request, please complete the poll on Nextdoor below:
-You can also provide comments for my review. The cut off to provide comments and respond to the poll is September 10, 2020.
-You can also email me at, call me at 202.271.3710 or send me a comment at
