If you haven't filled out the #2020Census just yet, staff will visit your home to help you complete it. Don't want a visit? Make sure you do the Census as soon as possible. Visit https://my2020census.gov/or call 844-330-2020 TODAY. #GetCountedDC
The last day to respond to the #2020Census is now Sept. 30. Help make sure DC’s get the funding we deserve for the next ten years by participating. Own your power and visit https://my2020census.gov/ or call 844-330-2020 TODAY. #GetCountedDC
Everyone, regardless of any particular status (immigration, income, age, etc.) can and should complete the #2020Census. Participation is vital to provide our communities with the resources we deserve. Visit https://my2020census.gov/ or call 844-330-2020.