Hello Commissioners:
This is the weekly census update for the City and your Ward As of 6/22, the citywide self- response rate is 57.7%. DC is still 4 points behind the national self-response rate.
July is our last month for a final concentrated push to get households to self-respond before door to door follow up starts August 11.
Ward 4:
64.1% Ward self response rate
Only 2 census tracts (22.01, 10.02) have surpassed their 2010 self response rate.
July 6-10: Census Faithful Week of Action
July 20-26: US Census regional “surge” in engagement and media messaging
July 28-August 7: National Census Counts Campaign “Respond before the Door Knock” Peak Moment of Action
The US Census will be planning a “surge” of engagement and advertising in our region the week of July 20-26. July 28-August 7 is the National “Respond Before the Door Knock: Peak Moment of Action” campaign. Every partner, agency and elected official is encouraged to amplify census messaging and outreach activities throughout July. More details will follow. July is the last opportunity to see any significant increase in Ward participation! Make sure every constituent counts. ANC commissioner should be posting on community listserves, or sending email or text alerts in their neighborhoods. Engagement with local schools, businesses or places of worship is also helpful.
Thank you for your leadership into this final census push. More details on activities will follow. If you are interested in door hangers for locations in specific tracts, please let me know.
Melissa Bird, AICP
DC Census 2020, Executive Director
202 230-0489