This email is to inform you that DC Water's maintenance of green infrastructure facilities will resume on a monthly basis March through December 2023. You and your residents may notice DC Water's contractor performing monthly maintenance on the green alleys and bioretention that were constructed in your neighborhood as part of DC Water's Clean Rivers Project. The maintenance of these green facilities is necessary to ensure continued performance of green infrastructure and the associated reduction of combined sewer overflows.
To maintain proper facility performance, alley maintenance includes utilizing a regenerative air vacuum sweeper to clean the joints between the pavers, removal of weeds and cleaning of underdrains. Traffic cones may be set up in the alleys to allow for a safe work zone; however, the crews will provide access to residents entering and exiting the alleys and avoid maintenance of alleys during trash collection days. Monthly bioretention maintenance includes weeding, sediment removal, cleaning of the rocks and maintaining plant growth as needed.
More information regarding DC Water's Green Infrastructure projects can be found at: