Monday, November 14, 2022
Director of Community Affairs: Emanuel D. Briggs
(202)787-2003 or
Greetings DC Water Community Stakeholders:
Please see our revised list of construction activities for the next two weeks-
Week of November 14
Tuckerman Street NW, between Georgia Avenue NW and 8th Street NW
Monday, November 14
Tonight (Monday, November 14), beginning at 7:00pm, our Contractor will be working at this location to tie the water service line feeding 6323 Georgia Avenue NW into the newly installed 8-inch water main on Tuckerman Street NW. This portion of work will take approximately 10 hours to complete, and there will be scheduled water service outage to customers at the following addresses during this water service reconnection work: 6323 Georgia Avenue NW; 6401 Georgia Avenue NW; 905 Tuckerman Street NW; and 907 Tuckerman Street NW. Customers at these addresses have already received our standard 48-hour notification of this portion of work and scheduled water service outage.
Monday, November 14 – Friday, November 18
We are performing water service reconnections at this location throughout this week
9th Street NW, between Tuckerman Street NW and Tewkesbury Place NW
Thursday, November 17
Our Contractor is scheduling to perform a tie-in of newly installed water main at 9th and Tuckerman Streets NW this coming Thursday (November 17). We will provide more information on this portion of work in a follow-up update.
Underwood Street NW, between 8th and 5th Streets NW
Monday, November 14 – Friday, November 18
o We are performing flushing, chlorination and re-testing of newly installed water main at this location
5th and Underwood Streets NW
Monday, November 14 – Friday, November 18
o We are performing flushing, chlorination and re-testing of newly installed water main at this location
Week of November 21
Tuckerman Street NW, between Georgia Avenue NW and 8th Street NW
Monday, November 21 – Wednesday, November 23
We are continuing with water service reconnections at this location next week
9th Street NW, between Tuckerman Street NW and Tewkesbury Place NW
There are no construction activities scheduled for next week
Underwood Street NW, between 8th and 5th Streets NW
There are no construction activities scheduled for next week
5th and Underwood Streets NW
There are no construction activities scheduled for next week
In light of the Thanksgiving Day Holiday, there are no construction activities scheduled for Thursday, November 24 – Friday, November 25.
Please keep in mind that these construction activities are highly dependent upon favorable weather conditions.
Thanks much, please stay tuned for future updates, and make it a great week…..ON PURPOSE!!