Dear Commissioners,
The DC Department of Public Works (DPW) announced today that the agency will resume its vacuum leaf program when it begins its 2020 leaf collection campaign on Monday, November 9. When the leaf collection campaign was launched, District households serviced by DPW were asked to rake leaves into paper bags. Paper bags are no longer required for collection. Starting today, residents are asked to rake their leaves, for collection, to the curb or into the tree box at the front of the residence. To help ease the vacuum process, residents are also asked to keep vehicles away from the curb lanes on scheduled collection days.
Collections will still occur twice in each neighborhood, this year between November 9, 2020 and January 30, 2021. DPW collections schedules will remain the same. Schedules and frequently asked questions can be found at
The bagged leaf collection program was intended to minimize collection crews’ exposure to COVID-19 and encourage composting. Resuming the vacuum collection program will help simplify composting operations and maximize employment opportunities. To continue to ensure our crews’ safety, they will be required to wear masks, practice social distancing and hand wash and hand sanitize frequently. Vehicles and equipment will be cleaned and sanitized before and after every use.
For more information, collections schedules and tracking visit or by downloading the MyDPW app available on Apple and Android platforms.