Hello Fourth District Family,
There will be a 4D CAC community meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, February 17th, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. The meeting is hosted via WebEx and will highlight the Fourth District's community.
Meeting link: https://dcnet.webex.com/dcnet/j.php?MTID=ma13091bae8b0150336fdf398df9f01c1
Meeting number: 180 352 9181
Password: 411411
The agenda is as follows
1. Introductions -
2. Community Concerns
- Anthony Hall, Dept of Behavioral Health (DBH), Critical Response Team (CRT). He will discuss their response to mental health crises. Some coping strategies during the quarantine for everyone!!
- Jan 6 update
3. Upcoming Community Events
4. Administrative
- collect membership
- DCRA submission
5. Adjourn
Judi Jones
4D CAC Chair
Any questions, please contact 4D CAC Mrs. Judi Jones at 202-446-7580 or via e-mail at cariblamond@yahoo.com or contact the 4D Outreach Coordinator Mr. Derek Staten at 202-270-1640 or via e-mail at derek.staten@dc.gov.