Dear Commissioners,
This last May I sent a notice of intent for bicycle lanes along Kansas Avenue. Since much time has passed and we have not installed those lanes, I wanted to give you an update. After I issued the notice of intent, I received some comments from residents about removing the parking along Fort Slocum Park. Their concern was that users of the shelter near Madison Dr would park in front of their homes, making it more difficult for them to find parking. Also, within DDOT, some colleagues were concerned that we were not proposing protected bike lanes on both sides of the road between Nicholson and 2nd Streets. Due to these concerns, we are now considering the removal of the median to retain the parking and install protected lanes on both sides of the street. I am hoping to have more information in the next couple of months to share with you.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Mike Goodno Bicycle Program Specialist
Planning and Sustainability Division District Department of Transportation 250 M Street SE Washington, DC 20003
o. 202.671.0681
c. 202.345.2842 e.