U.S. Secret Service reports the following bridges will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic beginning Tuesday, January 19th at 6AM. These closures will remain in effect until 6AM on Thursday, January 21st. - Theodore Roosevelt – No east bound traffic, entering the city. West bound traffic will flow normally, leaving the city. - Arlington Memorial – No traffic allowed in either direction. - I-395 & 14th – No north bound traffic, entering the city. South bound traffic will flow normally, leaving the city. - South Capitol Street – No north bound traffic, entering the city. South bound traffic will flow normally, leaving the city. - 695 & 11 St. – No north bound traffic, entering the city. South bound traffic will flow normally, leaving the city. - John Phillip Sousa (Pennsylvania Ave.) – No north bound traffic, entering the city. South bound traffic will flow normally, leaving the city. - While Key Bridge will remain open, access to Whitehurst Freeway or M St. will be closed. All inbound traffic from the Key Bridge will make a left turn onto Canal Rd/MacArthur Blvd. For more information and updates, please visit: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDHSSS/bulletins/2b9ed67
Tiffani Johnson