This message is to inform the Ward 4 community that DPW will be in Ward 4, October 6 - 13, 2020, performing sanitation removal in certain high impact areas of Ward 4. DPW Solid Waste Education and Enforcement program (SWEEP) inspectors will be working in tandem with our DPW Street & Alley (S&A) team. This effort is to support the community in addressing some of the illegal dumping and improper waste disposal complaints that have arisen.
During the event, DPW will assign a team of S&A crews to work with a DPW SWEEP inspector to address certain locations for waste removal, thus the solid waste discovered in the normal course of inspection can be rapidly removed in the neighborhoods. Should you so desire, SWEEP inspectors will arrange a time with you to deliver trash bags to your ANC office for distribution to residents in the community if they have waste they desire removed during the event, so that the DPW team can collect them during the event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
Susan Burnett
Deputy Associate Administrator
Solid Waste Education & Enforcement Program (SWEEP)
DC Department of Public Works
250 E St. SW, Suite 430
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 576-9365 | office