Hello ANC Commissioners:
This is a short update this week, I am actually on vacation! We hit a major milestone and are now past the 60% mark. Our current self-response rate is 60.4% and the national rate is 64%. We are down to our last 6 weeks before census field operations end. Please keep sharing census information with your networks, friends and neighbors. Your weekly efforts are working, we are experiencing daily increases which is important. Every single response matters. If you have children in local schools, please send out a census reminder on parent listserves as well. Counting school aged children is critical to all long term school budgeting and planning efforts.
Be on the lookout for enumerators in your neighborhood as well. Even with the door to door operations underway, households can still self-respond and are encouraged to do so.
Thank you
Melissa Bird, AICP
DC Census 2020, Executive Director
202 230-0489
