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  • Writer's pictureTiffani Johnson

DC Education Community Meeting 12/5

Dear Tiffani,

I would like to extend an invitation to you to a special community meeting/ virtual summit we are holding on Saturday, December 5 to explore how we can build more community voice in DC education. This summit is a meeting for various education stakeholders (teachers, families, PTA chairs, community organizers, etc.) throughout the District. I'd also ask if you could please send it out to your ANC email list and whatever other communication channels you have to your constituents.

As you know, DC has a system of mayoral control of schools- and we've seen again and again how this system has disenfranchised community voices. It's been especially clear with how the mayor and DCPS have handled the pandemic and reopening plans without teacher or parent voice or collaboration. We will discuss how the general public can be more involved in playing a more democratic role in decisions that affect our students in DC. With your help, we want to create a plan for a community-driven approach toward an accountable leadership model among all stakeholders in our children’s education.

Additional information about the summit and registration is available at this link.

I hope you are able to accept this invitation to the Summit. We really want to have strong participation from ANC commissioners. We are hoping for representation and involvement among different groups and from all wards at this virtual event.

I look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions and I’d love to stay in touch about how we can work together on education issues in our community.


Scott Goldstein


Scott Goldstein

Executive Director



When Teachers Lead, Our Students Succeed

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