Welcome to Spring!
Warmer weather will soon be upon us, and the Department of Public Works (DPW) is gearing up for spring cleaning. DPW will begin residential street sweeping on Tuesday, March 1 through October 30. Motorists are asked to obey posted signs indicating the schedule for street sweeping parking restrictions to ensure our equipment can thoroughly sweep. DPW will sweep neighborhoods where there are no parking restrictions, as well as sections of arterial roadway when curbsides are available.
To remind motorists of the restrictions, DPW will issue warnings between Tuesday, March 1 and Monday, March 14, to vehicles parked during the sweeping periods. After March 14, violators will be subject to $45 fines. Parking is generally prohibited for two hours (9:30 am to 11:30 am or 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm) while sweeping is underway. Alternate side parking is required to facilitate street sweeping.
I would be happy to speak about DPW’s spring operations at your next ANC meeting. Please contact me at celeste.duffie@dc.gov to schedule my attendance.
DPW will resume the following cleaning and beautification services in April:
Street and Alley cleaning
DPW will resume cleaning residential alleys between April 1 through October 31. Litter placed in bags and trash receptacles reduces the amount of debris potentially left behind during collection. In between cleanings, residents are asked to pick up litter in the alleys. Call 311 to request an alley cleaning for alleys that pose a hazard to public safety or have become inaccessible to emergency vehicles.
Yard Waste
Yard waste collection is now year-round however, spring is the peak season. Residents must call 311 to make an appointment for yard waste collection. DPW only collects yard waste in paper bags, which is unlike previous years when plastic bags were acceptable for collection. DPW will collect up to 20 paper bags of yard waste from residences that receive DPW’s trash and recycling collection services at their normal point of collection.
Graffiti Removal
DPW will clean graffiti from public and private property using paint or non-toxic solutions that are applied then removed with a high-pressure water spray, known as a power wash. The power wash may not be suitable for all walls including walls with loose or crumbling masonry. Call 311 to request graffiti removal services. A waiver of liability form will be provided, which must be signed by the property owner and returned to DPW before abatement will occur on private property. Download the Graffiti Removal Waiver.
Helping Hands Neighbor Clean Up
DPW helps community groups that organize Saturday neighborhood clean-up projects through the Helping Hand Program. The program will lend tool kits that include five rakes and brooms, two shovels, and 20 trash bags. A $20 refundable deposit is required for all tool kits loaned under the Helping Hand Program. Free compost will be delivered as well for use in neighborhood beautification projects.